
Ecastl (Harish's Language) - Grammar Part 1

This is where I teach about the functioning and Grammar of Ecastl         Plurals: Forming Plurals in Ecastl is a bit tricky. There is a factor which determines which suffix goes to which noun. Firstly, the noun must be in one of 3 classifications: Living, Non-Living or Abstract. Living things are Plants, Animals, Humans, etc.. Non-living things are Books, Electronics, Pens, etc... Abstract nouns (in Ecastl) are nouns that cannot be seen or felt like Words, Music, Ideas, etc... The suffix added to make a noun plural that is a living thing is: r̊ø (ø making an  eu sound) Eg: Lán - Man, Lánr̊ø - Men But it comes with a catch. r̊ø cannot just be added at the end of the word. For some words, letters are replaced with r̊ø. Here's an example. Let's take the Ecastl word for Person:  Pelpöê. Now let's convert that into the plural form:  Pelr̊ø. Here, the letters   p,ö&ê are being replaced with  r̊ø. So, for some words, the plural needs to be memorised. Converting Non-Livi

Ecastl (Harish's Language) - Alphabet
